Working with form elements

Form elements are special objects that enable the user to provide information. Form elements can be used within a form or by themselves. When form elements are contained in a form, the data captured by the form element can be submitted using a specified CGI program or to a Google Drive public document.

See also:

Adding a form
Submitting test, survey and form results to CGI

You can add the following form elements to your title:

Radio buttons, check boxes, entry fields, drop-down lists and list boxes are input objects that have physical representations that can be added to any form or page. A radio button group is a logical input object that does not have a physical representation. It is used to group a set of radio buttons together to enable only one radio button of the group to be selected at a time.

Associate a text label with a form element to provide additional assistive text when necessary.

Form elements have one additional attribute that other objects do not have. They have an associated variable. This variable provides a place for the program to store the input data for the form object. This variable can then be accessed from anywhere in the title. Additionally, multiple form elements can use the same variable.

View these topics for more information about adding and working with form elements:

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