Adding a text label

A text label is a text block that can be associated with a form element to provide additional assistive text to the user. You can add the text label of a form object. Label text is the text adjacent to the form object's component that tells your project's viewers what information to enter or select (for example, "First Name:," "State/Province:").

You can associate the text block with a form object, such as a drop-down list or an entry field. This is useful when creating titles that comply with the standards set in Section 508 - 1194.22 of the Rehabilitation Act and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. for details see: Associating a text label with a form element.

To add a text label:

  1. Select the form or page in the Title Explorer to which you want to add the text label.

  2. From the Test & Survey ribbon, click Text Label in the Add Form Element group.

The text block is added.

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