Changing the associated variable name of a form element

The associated variable of a form element takes on the value specified for the form element chosen by the user. For example, if a radio button group's associated variable name is Age_Range, and within it are 5 radio buttons with the options Under 21, 21-30, 31-45, 45-60, and Over 60, then when the user selects from the available radio buttons, the Age_Range variable will take on the value of that radio button. Suppose the user selects 21-30, then Age_Range = 21-30. If no selection is made, the variable remains empty (has no value).

To change the associated variable name of a form element:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Properties ribbon is displayed.

  2. Specify the associated variable name in the Variable Name field in the Value group. The variable will be used to store the user’s selection within the corresponding form element. The variable can be accessed from anywhere in the title.

    The name/value pair submitted from the published title using email, a CGI script, or Google Drive is the form element's associated variable name and its value.

See also:

Submitting test, survey and form results to CGI
Answer and response variable value formats

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