Publishing to SCORM

The Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a set of inter-related technical specifications built upon the work of the AICC, IMS, and IEEE to create a unified content model for Web-based learning content. For the latest specifications, documents, and explanations of terms, see the official SCORM website (

Titles published with the Publisher will meet or exceed the guidelines for SCORM 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 2004.

To publish your title to a SCORM system, follow these steps:

  1. Save your title.

  2. From the Publish menu, select Publish to SCORM/Web-Based. The program performs an error check and displays the results in the Publish Title to SCORM Compliant Web Content window.

    See also: Running an Error Check

  3. Resolve any errors within your title. If necessary, click Cancel and repeat steps 1 and 2 until your title is free of errors.

  4. Click Publish when you are satisfied with the results of the error check. The Publish SCORM Location window opens.

  5. Use the following tabs on the Publish Location window to specify your publishing settings:

  6. Once you have completed configuring all of the publishing options, click OK. Your title is published to your local directory. When the publishing process has completed, click the FTP Title button to upload your title to the Web server specified. If you did not configure FTP settings, this option is not available.

  7. Click the Done button to close the publishing window. When available, you can also click the Preview button to launch the published title.

When you make changes to your title, you will need to republish it so the new changes are reflected in the published title. Repeat these steps as necessary to republish your title.

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