Running an error check

When you publish your title, the program immediately runs your title through an error check process. An error check identifies any logical errors within your title. The errors that are displayed are dependent upon the type of title and publishing format chosen.

You can configure the types of warning messages that are displayed during the publishing process. For example, you can select to display warnings for the variables and resources (images, audio, video, and so on) that are not used within the title. This can occur with resources that were added to the title but then later deleted. The program will ask during the error-check process if those unused resources and variables should be removed. This happens during an error check; not the publish process. For details about configuring the types of warning messages, see Specifying publish messages preferences.

See also:

Creating an AICC/SCORM title for a LMS
Publishing a title

Follow these steps to perform an error check on your title:

  1. Save your title.

  2. From the Tools ribbon, select Error Check from the Review group. the program rapidly reviews your title for errors and displays the results in the Check Title for Errors window.

  3. Review the errors listed. Common errors include pages with duplicate names, pages without objects, and buttons leading to non-existent pages. Double-click items that are warnings (displayed in blue) or errors (displayed in red) to jump to the page containing the object that is causing the problem. Error messages (displayed in red) must be resolved before the program can successfully publish your title. You can leave the results window open to resolve additional errors.

  4. Make the necessary changes to your title to resolve the errors and click Done. If you are running the error check during the publishing process, you can click the Publish button to proceed with publishing your title.

Re-run the error check as necessary until you have eliminated all errors. Some warning messages (displayed in blue) may never be resolved. These messages will not impede the publishing process.

See also: Specifying publish messages preferences

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