Specifying SCORM options

Use the SCORM Options tab to specify publishing options pertaining to the SCORM system. Complete the controls as follows:

Conformance Level

Use the list to select the conformance type and level. Select from

  • SCORM 1.0 Compliant

  • SCORM 1.1 Compliant

  • SCORM 1.2 Compliant

  • SCORM 2004 Compliant

The published course will be presented in a separate window than the LMS.

Select this option if you want the published title to be launched from the SCORM system in a new window. When this option is selected, and the user exits the published title, the window will close, and the user will be returned to the SCORM system.

The published course will report Test/Survey Question Interaction to LMS.

Select this to record interaction data for the questions contained in the graded test being submitted to the AICC system. Enable the Append timestamp to interaction to create unique ID to ensure that the interaction ID is unique.

Interaction data includes the following information for each graded question:

  • Question text (CourseMill and SCORM 2004 systems)

  • User's answer

  • Whether the user's answer is correct or not

  • Time the question was answered

  • Amount of time the user spent on the page containing the answer

Enable the Append timestamp to interaction to create unique ID. check box if you want a unique ID created each time the test or survey is taken.

Prompt the user to navigate to the last viewed page.

Select this to enable the automatic bookmarking feature for the published title. When this is selected, and the user is returning to the published title within the SCORM system, the user will have the option to skip to the page he or she last viewed within the published title.

Course Creator

Specify the name you want the SCORM system to display as the creator of the published title.

Course ID

Specify the ID of the course as it will be known within the SCORM system.

Course Title

Specify the title of the course as you want it to be displayed within the SCORM system.

Additional Keywords (Comma Separated)

Specify any additional keywords that can be used to define the content of the course. When users search for courses within the SCORM system, searched terms are compared to course titles and keywords and will help users find the content for which they are searching.

URL of Course Folder (optional)

Specify the Web address of the location of your course within the SCORM system.

Course Description

Specify the description of the course’s contents as you want it to be displayed within the SCORM system.

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