Importing and exporting templates

You can import and export templates. This will enable you to add templates for use in creating titles (import) and save a copy of a template (export) in a location for easy access for sharing or emailing. Custom template files contain the .awp file extension.

To import a template:

  1. Select Create New Title from the File ribbon.

  2. Click My Templates. Your custom templates appear on the right.

  3. Click Import to navigate and add a custom template to the list of custom templates.

The imported template is ready to used to create new titles.

To export a template:

  1. Select Create New Title from the File ribbon.

  2. Click My Templates.

  3. Select the template you want to export and click Export. The Save As window opens.

  4. Navigate and save the template to the desired location.

The template is exported to the selected location.

See also:

Using a template
Sharing templates online

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