Using a template

Templates are a convenient way to store boilerplate versions of titles that can be used as a starting point for future titles that are created. For example, if your organization has a standard "look and feel" for a title that should be applied to all titles, you can create a template that contains the layout and all associated text and graphics for that title. You would then use this template when creating additional titles.

You can create and import templates, use one of the many pre-installed templates, or access online templates. Hundreds of pre-installed templates are available, including a gallery for the iPhone® and iPod® Touch. Online templates are organized by category.

Descriptions and previews are available when you select a template.

You can start a template using a custom template that you have created or using an online template.

To start a title using a custom template:

  1. If the Getting Started window is displayed, select My Templates. Otherwise, select Create New Title from the File ribbon and click My Templates. The templates that you have created are displayed on the right.

  2. Double-click the desired template or select the desired template from the list and click Create from Template.

Your newly created title is displayed in Edit mode and you can begin adding objects to complete its functionality.

To start a title using an online template:

  1. If the Getting Started window is displayed, select Templates Online. Otherwise, select Create New Title from the File ribbon. (Alternatively, you can type Ctrl + N to display the Getting Started window.)

  2. Click Templates Online.

  3. Use the list to select from a gallery of predefined templates available online. Double-click the desired folder to display the available templates. The templates are categorized as follows:

    Folder Description
    Color Hundreds of templates organized by color-theme categories
    Mobile Templates for mobile technology, such as the iPhone and iPod
    Tablet Templates for tablet-computer technology, such as the iPad
    508 Templates Templates for titles requiring 508 compliancy
    800x600 format Templates for devises with 800x600 screen resolution
    1024x768 format Templates for devises with 1024x768 screen resolution
  4. Double-click the desired template or select the desired template from the list and click Create from Template.

Your newly created title is displayed in Edit mode and you can begin adding objects to complete its functionality.

See also:

Saving a title as a template
Sharing templates online
Switch between modes

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