Changing the skin of the audio controller

When you have selected to display an audio object using a controller, you can apply a predefined or custom skin to the controller or import a skin.

For information about creating a custom skin for the controller, see Creating custom skins for media.

To apply a skin to the controller:

  1. Do one of the following to display the Properties ribbon:

  2. In the Playback Options group, click Controller and select a skin from the list. A preview of the skin is displayed.

The skin you selected is applied to the controller.

To import a custom skin:

  1. In the Playback Options group, click Controller and select Manage Custom Skins. The Manage Custom Skins window opens.

  2. Click Import skin to navigate and select the custom skin zip file. The imported custom skin is added to the list in the box. A preview of the skin is displayed.

  3. To add the skin to the list of skins to apply, select the skin from the list and click OK.

The skin is added to the list of skins that can be applied to the controller.

To delete a custom skin:

  1. In the Playback Options group, click Controller and select Manage Custom Skins. The Manage Custom Skins window opens.

  2. Select the custom skin you want to delete and click Delete skin.

  3. Click OK.

The skin you selected is deleted.

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