Publishing for offline use

You can create a title that can be used offline. The title does not require that users be connected to the Internet. Additionally, you can create a zip or executable file and you can preview the title after it is published.

To publish your title for offline use, follow these steps:

  1. Save your title.

  2. On the Home ribbon, click the drop-down list under Publish in the Publish group and select Offline. The program performs an error check and displays the results in the Publish Title for Offline Use window.

    See also: Running an error check

  3. Resolve any errors within your title. If necessary, click Cancel and repeat steps 1 and 2 until your title is free of errors.

  4. Click Publish when you are satisfied with the results of the error check. The Publish for Offline Use window opens.

  5. Use the following tabs on the Publish Location window to specify your publishing settings:

  6. Click OK to publish your title to your local directory.

  7. Click the Done button to close the publishing window.

    You can also click the Preview button to launch the published title. To do so, click the drop-down list in the Preview button and select Open Published Folder. In the file list, double-click LectoraViewer.

Your title is published for offline use.

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