Creating custom buttons with text

Custom text buttons allow you to assign the images for the four button states:

Assigning images to the down and over states is optional. Select images from your file system, the Media Library or re-use an existing image. You can also edit the images.

  • By default, buttons that you have added to your title are set to be initially enabled. That is, buttons appear clickable when users open the pages on which the button are located. You can initially disable a button until an action has been executed to enable the button. For details, see Making a button initially disabled.

  • If you do not select images for the optional button states (over, down, or disabled), the normal state image will be used. For details about viewing and changing the images assigned to the states of a button, see Configuring the states of buttons.

You can create custom buttons that contain text or custom buttons that contain images.

To add a custom text button:

  1. Select the location in the Title Explorer in which you want to add the text button.

  2. Do one of the following:

    The button is added to the title and the Button property ribbons (Properties, Style, and Position & Size) along with the Action ribbon are made available.

  3. Change the text of the button. The default text Click Here is added to the button. Double-click the text to change it.

    If you do not specify to use an empty ALT tag for the button, the text for the button is used for the text in the ALT tag. For details about specifying an empty ALT tag for an object, see Using an empty ALT tag for an object.

  4. Use the controls on the Properties, Style, and Position & Size ribbons to configure the button, including the various states of the button and use the Action ribbon to configure the action associated with the button. See Working with buttons for details about specifying the properties of a button.

The custom text button is created.

To add a custom image button:

  1. Select the location in the Title Explorer in which you want to add the image button.

  2. On the Insert ribbon, click the down-arrow under Button in the Add Navigation and Interaction group and select Image Button.

    The Add Image Button window opens.

  3. Use the four fields in the Add Image Button dialog box (Normal, Over, Down, and Disabled) to specify the images to display with each button state. Click Browse for File to browse for an image on your file system, select Browse My Media to browse for an image in the Media Library, or select from existing images used in the title. Click OK.

    For example, to specify a file on your device that you created to be displayed for the Over state, open the Over drop-down list, click Browse for File and navigate to select the file.

    When you click OK, the button is added to the title.

  4. Use the controls on the Properties, Style, and Position & Size ribbons to configure the button and use the Action ribbon to configure the action associated with the button. See Working with buttons for details about specifying the properties of a button.

The custom image button is added.

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