Using the quick-access bar

Load the quick-access bar with your most-used commands to save time and frustration. The quick-access bar is the area of the title bar in the top-left corner of the workspace window. The bar contains handy default options to save, undo, and redo, along with the ability to add and remove options of your choice. You can also move the bar below the ribbon, if desired.

Click the appropriate graphic on the bar to execute the corresponding command. For example, to quickly save your title, click the Save graphic.

The following commands are loaded by default:

Command Description
Window Management Provides commands to manage the workspace window, such as moving, sizing, minimizing and maximizing.
Save Saves your current title
Undo Select this to undo your unsaved changes one-at-a-time.
Redo Select this to redo your unsaved changes one-at-a-time.

View these topics for more information about using the quick-access bar:

See also: Saving a title

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