Adding and removing commands

You can add and remove commands from the quick-access bar. For example, if you are creating tables, you can add the popular table commands, like Insert Column and Insert Row.

To add and remove commands:

  1. Click the drop-down list graphic located at the end of the quick-access bar, enable and disable commands or select More Commands to add more commands. The Options window opens.

  2. Select options in the Choose commands from drop-down list to populate the Commands box.

  3. To add a command to the quick-access bar, select the command from the Commands list and click Add. Alternatively, you can right-click on a button or option on a ribbon and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar. The command you selected is added to the box on the right.

  4. To remove a command from the quick-access bar, select the command from the box on the right and click Remove. The command you selected is removed from the box on the right. The default commands can be removed, if desired.

  5. If you need to restore your changes, click Reset.

  6. When you are finished adding and removing commands, click OK.

The quick-access bar is updated with your changes.

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