Changing the options and effects of a transition

You can select a different option or effect for a transition after you have added the transition to an object in your title. For example, with the Fly transition, you can specify the direction, such as Bottom, Left or Right and select the appropriate effect, such as Swing, Elastic, and Bounce.

Click the Inherit Settings graphic to toggle between showing and hiding inherited objects within the results. Use the slider next to Inherit Settings to adjust the timeline zoom.

To change the options and effects of a transition:

  1. Select the object either by clicking in the Title Explorer, within the work area, or from the list in the Transitions pane. The transition is highlighted in the Transition pane.

  2. Use the Transition Options and Transition Effects drop-down lists as appropriate. The lists are greyed-out if options or effects are not available for the current transition.

The transition is updated in the Transitions panel.

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