Specifying Flash parameters

You can specify additional parameters in the HTML declaration for Flash objects. Specify parameters such as making the background of your object appear transparent. You can also edit and remove parameters.

For additional information about the different parameters you can specify, visit Adobe's knowledge base on Flash OBJECT and EMBED tag attributes.

The parameters are only used when a title is published to HTML.

See Specifying Flash animation parameters for information about the parameters associated with the Flash animations available in the Media Library.

To specify Flash parameters for a Flash animation:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click Flash Parameters in the Settings group. The Flash Settings window opens.

  3. Use the Name field to specify the name of the parameter and use the Value field to specify the value of the parameter. To select a resource, enable the Use Resource check box. This enables the Import list. Use the Import list to select the resource. Select Browse for File to navigate and select a resource from your local file system. Select Browse My Media to navigate and select a resource from the Media Library. Click Add parameter to add the new variable.

    The variable is added to the Parameter list. Click the corresponding to remove parameters if necessary.

  4. Click OK.

The Flash parameters are associated with the Flash animation.

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