Ensuring users can complete and submit tests, surveys, and forms

Form objects can be used to create forms for collecting information from the user. These form objects include radio buttons, check boxes, drop-down lists, list boxes, and entry fields. Many of the test and survey questions also include these types of form elements. Section 508 and WCAG require that all such form elements are properly labeled so screen readers can announce their purpose to the user.

See also: Working with forms

When you add test and survey questions to a title, no additional steps are needed to ensure the questions are accessible. Drag and Drop, Hot Spot, and Matching questions should not be used within your titles.

Most form elements are automatically labeled appropriately, but additional steps are necessary if you are using drop-down lists, list boxes, or entry fields. A textual label must be added and properly associated with the drop-down list, list box or entry field. Use the following steps to properly label these form objects within your titles:

  1. Add the drop-down list, list box, or entry field to your title.

  2. Add a text block to your title and type the label you want to appear for the form object. For example, “Last Name.”

  3. Place the text block within visual proximity to the form object, and also rearrange its location within the Title Explorer to ensure a logical announcement of objects by the screen reader.

  4. Access the text block’s properties. Select the Label for option, and choose the form object to which the label pertains.

See also: Associating a text block with a form object

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