Labeling text blocks and tables for proper association of information

You can label text blocks and tables within text blocks with appropriate headings so that screen readers can more easily identify the information for the user.

Users of screen readers sometimes search by headings to find important content on a page. You can create page titles with the use of text blocks, and label the text block as a Heading 1 or Heading 2. When you label the text block as a heading of either type, it is recognized by screen readers and even search engines as containing important information.

See also: Adding text to your title
Changing the HTML text type of a text block

When you create a table within a text block, if that table contains data and is not used solely for layout purposes, you must identify the header row of the table so that a screen reader can properly identify the information within the table. Cells within the table are automatically referenced with the left-most column of the table, and the designated header row. The program can only natively support the simplest of tables that contain only a single header row.

See also: Adding tables to a text block
Including a header in a table

Editing a table

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