Using actions and integrating accessible interactivity

You can create interactive components within your titles with the use of actions. However, there are limits to what can be included in accessibly-compliant content. Screen readers can only interpret the content that is visible on the page when it is initially displayed to the user. That is, interactive rollovers, or objects that display addition information on the page when clicked, cannot be included. The new information that is displayed to the user as a result of the event is not recognized by the screen reader. Do not use any of the following actions to modify information on a page after the page has initially been displayed to the user:

Action triggers, such as On Mouse Enter and On Mouse Exit, should also be avoided. These actions cannot be triggered without the use of a mouse, and therefore do not comply with the rules that necessitate that objects are accessible with the use of a keyboard. Actions that use keystrokes to execute the actions often conflict with the standard keystrokes built into screen readers. In general, actions that must be executed after a page has initially been presented to the user, should use the On Mouse Click trigger.

See also: Adding an action
Selecting an action
Selecting an action's trigger

An alternative approach to displaying additional information to the user after a user has clicked on an object is to launch a pop-up window containing the additional information. When a new window is displayed to the user, the screen reader will automatically switch focus and begin reading the content within the new window. When using this approach, be sure to include a means for the user to then close the pop-up window. Also, Lightbox windows cannot be used, traditional pop-up windows must be used.

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