Using hyperlinks, buttons and other clickable objects

You can use hyperlinked text, buttons and other objects to execute actions when clicked. Section 508 and WCAG require that such objects must be accessible with use of a keyboard only. Objects, like buttons, that have an On Mouse Click action attached to them will be able to receive focus when a user presses the Tab key. When the button, hyperlink, or other clickable object is in focus, the user can then press the Enter key to execute its actions.

You must ensure that these objects are properly labeled or have a proper ALT tag so the user is aware of what will happen when the button or object is clicked. Hyperlinks should be logical and able to stand alone, out of context. Links should always be linked to information that is relevant to the content. When hyperlinking text, do not use hyperlinks such as “Click here” to access the Learning Portal. Instead, use descriptive hyperlinks such as “Access the Learning Portal.”

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