Accessing Help

The Help is a browser-based system that provides Help topics of the tasks you can complete using the tools. To access the Help, click the Help button where available. You can also select Help from the File ribbon within the program.

The Help menu item corresponds with clicking the toolbar graphic or pressing the F1 key.

Navigating the Help

To navigate the Help, click the plus sign (+) to the left of the section name to expand the section. Click the title of the topic to display the topic. Click the minus sign (-) to collapse a section.

Click the Search tab to enter words or phrases to quickly find topics. Topics containing the search words or phrases appear in the navigation pane. Click the title of the topic to display the topic.

To improve your search, use quotation marks around a phrase, such as "Group Object". Only those topics containing all words in the phrase are displayed.

Other ways to get help:

Lectora provides the following additional information:

Getting Started

Use this launch pad to get started using the program. You can start a title in several ways, access learning resources, and more. To open the Getting Started window:

  • On the File ribbon, click Help and select Getting Started.

  • On the Help menu, click Getting Started.

  • Type Ctrl + N.

Setup Wizard

The Setup Wizard makes getting started with Lectora easy. The Wizard will recognize if you are upgrading from a previous version of Lectora and allow you to transfer settings for your library objects, media objects, publish strings, custom colors, and custom templates, along with your custom settings for eLearning Brothers, CourseMill, ReviewLink, and saved FTP profiles.

The Setup Wizards appears when you initially install to a new release. To reopen it, select Setup Wizard from the Help menu.

Video Tutorials

View the Video Tutorials for introductions and overviews of the powerful and time-saving features. You can access the Video tutorials using one of the following ways:

  • On the Getting Started window, select Video Tutorials in the Learning Resources section.

  • On the File ribbon, click Help and select Video Tutorials.

  • On the Help menu, click Video Tutorials.

Trivantis Community

Learn from fellow users. Ask questions and receive answers within the community. You can access the Community Forum using one of the following ways:

  • On the Getting Started window, select Community Forum in the Learning Resources section.

  • On the File ribbon, click Help and select Community Forum.

  • On the Help menu, click Community Forum.


Access this comprehensive product documentation to read about all of the various tasks you can complete using the program. Access the Help using one of the following ways:

  • On the Getting Started window, select Help in the Learning Resources section.

  • On the File ribbon, click Help and select Help.

  • On the Help menu, click Help.

  • Press F1.

Sample Titles

Take a hands-on approach to learning by downloading one of several sample titles. Each course showcases a number of features.

  • On the Getting Started window, select Sample Titles in the Learning Resources section.

  • On the File ribbon, click Help and select Sample Titles.

  • On the Help menu, click Sample Titles.

Contact Us

Still have questions? Need support? Contact us and we'll make sure you have access to the people and resources that can help. To contact us:

  • On the Getting Started window, select Contact Support in the Launch section.

  • On the File ribbon, click Help and select Contact Us.

  • On the Help menu, click Contact Us.

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