Working with tracking

With tracking you can account for which chapters, sections, pages, tests, test sections and surveys that your users have visited and completed. This allows you to know where your users have been within your content. You can automatically display the tracking status within the table of contents and menu objects based on your users' interactions with content.

Status is tracked automatically and you can also select to add status indicator objects to pages to display tracking information. Additionally, you can execute actions to manually update the tracking status of chapters, sections, pages, tests, test sections, and surveys and you can execute conditional actions that are dependent on the tracking status for specific chapters, sections,pages, tests, test sections, and surveys.

The tracking status for the title is retained between sessions by default. You can reset the tracking status for the title in the title options.

The automated status can be in one of three states:

Not Started (default) A specific page has not been entered, or no pages in the chapter, section, test, test section, or survey have been accessed.
In-Progress At least one page in the chapter, section, test, test section, or survey has been accessed.
Completed A specific page has been entered or all pages in the chapter, section, test, test section, or survey has been accessed. A graded test must be submitted and passed to be Completed. Survey must be submitted to be Completed.

To restrict users from accessing content until other information is completed, you can use action conditions. For details about configuring action conditions, see Adding an action.

The title and each chapter, section, page, test, test section or survey will process all On Show and On Page Show actions prior to automatically setting itself to "Completed". This allows a user to interact with the page the first time a chapter, section, page, test, test section, or survey is shown using the "Is Not Started" condition relationship. For example, On Show, hide the Next button if the page is "Is Not Started" (that is, the first time they enter). The second time the page is accessed, it would have a status of "Is Completed" and the Next button would appear.
See also: Resetting the tracking status between sessions
Changing the status indicator image set in the table of contents
Changing the status indicator image set in the menu
Working with status indicators
Selecting an action

Additional resources: Status Tracking with Lectora V11.3 - Trivantis Community

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