Specifying publish strings preferences

You can customize the text used in the runtime. Change the text displayed within the Test Results window, content generated emails, and some program buttons. For example, you can change the FAILED text message, that is displayed within test results to students with a non-passing test score, to more sensitive terminology. Publish strings can also be changed here if you are producing content written in a language other than English.

To specify Publish String preferences:

  1. Select Lectora Preferences from the File ribbon. The Preferences window opens.

  2. Click the Publish Strings tab.

  3. Use the String Set drop-down to select the string set that you want to customize:

    Additional custom Publish String sets can be created, which enables you to select from a list of predefined Publish String sets when publishing titles for different audiences and languages. Click Add to add a new string set. Click Import to import a text file of a string set. Click Export to save a string set to a text file. This enables you to translate and change the publish strings of the exported text file using any text editor and import them back into the program. Click Delete to delete a string set.

  4. Select the row you want to change and alter the text in the Value column as necessary. The Description column lists instances at which the corresponding text in the Value column will be displayed. The Value column lists default text that is displayed to the student during the corresponding instance in the Description column.

  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 as necessary.

  6. Click OK.

The Date Format and Time Format publish strings allow you to specify the display of the date and time when shown to the student.

The formatting options are as follows:

Date Formats:

  • Month: M or MM (Examples: 1 , 01)

  • Day of Month: D or DD (Examples: 1 , 01)

  • Year: YY or YYYY (Examples: 71 , 1971)


Date Format Examples:


To show the days 5/24/72 and 10/7/02, use M/D/YY.
To show the same days as 24-05-1972 and 07-10-2002 use DD-MM-YYYY.

Time Formats:

  • AM/PM: a or A (Examples: am , AM)

  • 12-hour: h or hh (Examples: 1 - 12, 01 - 12)

  • 24-HOUR: H or HH (Examples: 1 - 24, 01 - 24)

  • Minute/Seconds: m/s or mm/ss (Examples: 1 , 01)


Time Format Examples:


To show 8:25 am and 2:15 pm, use h:mm a.
To show the same times as 08:25 and 14:15 use HH:mm.

Date and Time Local Functions:

In addition to these formatting options, you can specify that the student be shown the date and/or time based on their browser and system locale formatting.

To do this, use the following FUNC(xxx) format to specify a function to call rather than a format.

The following functions are available:

FUNC(GetLocaleDate) The date based on browser and locale
FUNC(GetLocaleTime) The time based on browser and locale
FUNC(GetDate_GER) The date with German months
FUNC(GetDate_PTB) The date with Brazilian Portuguese months
FUNC(GetDate_SPA) The date with Spanish months

If a function is specified with an incorrect name, GetLocaleDate or GetLocaleTime will be used in its place.

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