Specifying ReviewLink preferences

ReviewLink® is an online review tool designed and developed by eLearning Brothers. Configuring your ReviewLink host on this tab will enable you to easily transfer published titles for review on ReviewLink. Your login information is securely hidden by the Account Portal. Specify the Web address of the ReviewLink server and the location on the server where the ReviewLink system resides.

If you are not using a ReviewLink server, this tab can be ignored.

To specify the location of the ReviewLink server:

  1. Select Lectora Preferences from the File ribbon. The Preferences window opens.

  2. Click the ReviewLink tab.

  3. Use the fields in the ReviewLink group to specify your server settings. In the Host field, specify the Web address of the ReviewLink server. By default, this value is https://reviewlink.trivantis.com.

  4. In the Path to ReviewLink on Host field, specify the location on the ReviewLink server where the ReviewLink system resides. By default, this value is /reviewlink.

  5. Click OK.

For details about publishing to ReviewLink, see Publishing to ReviewLink.

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