You specify the list of items from which users can choose within a drop-down list. You can add as many or as few items as you want, select the initially selected item, and reorganize and delete items from the list.
To add items to a drop-down list:
Do one of the following:
In the Title Explorer, double-click the graphic of the drop-down list element.
In the Title Explorer, right-click the graphic of the drop-down list element and select Properties.
In the Title Explorer, select the drop-down list element and press Enter.
In the work area, double-click the drop-down list element.
In the work area, right-click the drop-down list element and select Properties.
In the work area, select the drop-down list element and press Enter.
The Properties ribbon is displayed.
In the Initial Values group, click within the box to open the Edit List window. Use this window to add, position, and remove items. To add an item, click Add and specify the item in the Initial Values window. To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove. To move an item up in the list, select the item and click Move Up. To move an item down in the list, select the item and click Move Down. To specify which of the drop-down list's values should be initially selected, select the check box next to the appropriate value within the list of possible values. Only one item can be specified as the default.
Click OK.
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