Enabling maximum attempts

You can control whether the maximum the maximum number of attempts is a factor to correctly answering the question. Additionally, you can specify the number of attempts allowed to answer the question. By default, attempts are counted when the user navigates to the next page or when the Process Question action is triggered. The user will be locked from answering the question if he or she exceeds the maximum number of attempts allowed. You can configure additional feedback (maximum-attempts feedback) to be displayed when this occurs.

To change the maximum number of attempts:

  1. Double-click the graphic of the question you want to change in the Title Explorer. Alternatively, you can right-click the graphic of the question and click Properties. The Properties ribbon is displayed.

  2. Select the Enable Max Attempts in the Attempts group. This enables the Max Attempts field.

  3. Specify the number of attempts using the Max Attempts field.

The maximum number of attempts is changed.

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