Changing the point value

You can change the point value assigned to each question. Points are used to calculate the percentage weight of each question and will be factored into the overall test score. The default point value of each gradable question is 1. Therefore, without changing this option, all the questions within a test are of equal value. If points are assigned to each question, the program will use the sum of test points to calculate question weight and further, the test score. The Point Value is irrelevant if the question is not within a test and for non-gradable questions.

To change the point value of question:

  1. Double-click the graphic of the question you want to change in the Title Explorer. Alternatively, you can right-click the graphic of the question and click Properties. The Properties ribbon is displayed.

  2. Use the Point Value field in the Question and Feedback group to specify the new point value of the test question.

The point value is changed.

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