Randomizing the pages within the test section

You can specify to randomize the selection of pages within the test or test section. Specify the number of pages to use within the test section. The student will be presented with the specified number of randomly selected pages from all the pages in the test section.

When standard navigation is added to a test, the Done button that is added to the last page of the test is programmed with the Process Test/Survey action. This action is necessary at the end of the test so the results will be submitted and the appropriate completion action is taken. If you add your own custom navigation to the test, the button on the last page of the test that navigates users out of the test must have this action.

If you later randomize your test, the Done button should be removed and replaced with the same button used to navigate forward within the test.

A Process Test/Survey action cannot be used in any randomized test or randomized test section.

To randomize the pages within the test section:

  1. Double-click the graphic of the test section in the Title Explorer. Alternatively, you can right-click the test section in the Title Explorer and select Properties.

  2. On the Behavior ribbon, enable the Randomly Select Pages check box in the Random group. This enables the Pages From Test field.

  3. Use the up and down arrows in the Pages From Section field to specify the appropriate number of pages.

The test section's pages will be randomly selected.

See also: Setting the resulting action when a test is passed or completed
Setting the resulting action when a test is failed

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