Working with the Stock Library

The Stock Library side-tab contains hundreds of media objects that are installed with the program.

Click or hover-over the Stock Library side-tab to open it.

Use the following categories to access media within the Stock Library:

Buttons Predefined buttons with the appropriate action already configured.
Character Poses Character poses are transparent photo images of a male and female actor in various poses suitable for using in your title.
ClipArt Clip-art images
Flash Activities

Configurable Flash animations you can add to enhance your title. The animations contain parameters that you configure as necessary.

Media Online Media that has been shared online.
Music Music installed with the program.
Status Indicators Image sets designed specially to indicate status.

Use the Search field to search for media within the Stock Library. To search for media:

  1. To specify filters to narrow your search, click the search setup graphic located at the end of the search field. Enable the check boxes corresponding to the objects to which you are searching.

  2. Specify the search criteria in the Search field and click (or press Enter).

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