Copying objects to My Library

You can copy objects to the My Library to re-use throughout a title. You can select an object currently in a title or select an object from your computer system. You can select multiple objects if necessary.

To copy an object currently in a title to My Library:

  1. Select the object you want to copy to the Media Library. Hold down your Ctrl key to select multiple objects.

  2. Right-click in your work area and select Copy to My Library.

  3. Name the object and click OK.

The object is copied to the My Library.

To copy an object from your computer system:

  1. Click or hover-over the My Library side-tab to open it.

  2. Click Add File. The Add media to Media Library window opens.

  3. Navigate and select the file. Hold down your Ctrl key to select multiple objects.

  4. Click Open.

The object is copied to the My Library.

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