Adding existing video files

You can drag a video onto a page or select and add it using one of several interface options. The video can be a video file located on your computer, a custom video in the Media Library, a stock video file that comes with the program, or an existing video that is already included in the title.

You can convert a video object to MP4 (.mp4) and compress it, if necessary. When you convert an object, all instances of the resource are changed throughout your title. For details about converting to MP4 format, see Converting to MP4 video.

For responsive titles, video files must be converted to MP4 format, especially when building for the mobile environment.

To add a video file located on your file system:

  1. In the Title Explorer, select the location in which you want to add the video.

  2. Do one of the following:

  3. Click OK.

The local video file is added to the title.

To add a custom video file from the Media Library:

  1. In the Title Explorer, select the location in which you want to add the video.

  2. Do one of the following:

The custom video file is added to the title.

To add a stock video file:

  1. In the Title Explorer, select the location in which you want to add the video.

  2. Click the Stock Library side-tab located on the right-side of the work area, navigate, and double-click the video file or drag the it onto the page.

The stock video file is added to the title.

To re-use a video that already exists in the title:

  1. In the Title Explorer, select the location in which you want to add the video.

  2. Click the Title Resources side-tab located on the right-side of the work area, open the Videos group, and either double-click the video file or drag it onto the page.

The existing video is added to the title.

See also: Working with the Media Library

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