Changing the images for the states of a status indicator

You can change the images used to display the three states (Not Started, In Progress, and Completed) of a status indicator. You can select a new image or edit the exiting image.

To change the images of a status indicator:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Properties ribbon is displayed.

  2. Use the three drop-down lists (Completed, In Progress, and Not Started) from the Resources group to select the new image for each state. Click Browse from File to navigate and select a local image, click Browse My Media to select an image from the Media Library, click Browse Stock Status Indicators to select a new stock image, or select a new image from the list.

  3. To edit an image assigned to one of the states of the status indicator, click the corresponding Edit graphic. Your default image editor opens. Use the editor to alter and save the image.

The images of the status indicator are changed.

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