Specifying the text style of a reference list

You can alter the appearance of the text of a reference list, such as changing the font or underlining the text.

To specify the text style of a form element:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Properties ribbon is displayed.

  2. To specify the text style of the reference list, use the controls in the Text Style group as follows:

    Text Style Click this to select a text style to format the reference list. The current text styles are listed. To create a new text style, select Manage Styles and use the controls in the Text Styles window to configure a new style. For details about adding and managing text styles, see Managing text styles.

    Click this to select the font for the text of the reference list.

    Click this to select the font size for the text of the reference list.

    Click this to select the color for the text of the reference list. Select a predefined color, select the eye-dropper tool to use a color from elsewhere within your title, or select Custom to select a custom color from the Color wheel.

    See also: Matching colors used within your title

    Click this to bold the text of the reference list.
    Click this to italicize the text of the reference list.
    Click this to underline the text of the reference list.

    Click this to select the color of the background of the reference list. Select a predefined color, select the eye-dropper tool to use a color from elsewhere within your title, or select Custom to select a custom color from the Color wheel.

    See also: Matching colors used within your title

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