Editing an image

You can edit an image after you have created and added it to the title. Additionally, you can convert and share the image. Images are edited using the Snagit Editor.

When you install Lectora, the Snagit Editor is specified as the default editor for editing images. You can specify the editor application used by the program to externally edit resource image files used within a title. For example, you can specify to open Windows Paint for editing images. For details, see Specifying editor preferences.

To edit an image:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Snagit Editor opens.

  2. Use the Snagit Editor to edit and save the image.

For detailed information about using the Snagit Editor, click F1 or use the Help pull-down list.

When you save your editing changes, the image file is automatically updated in the title.

To select another image to edit from the Properties ribbon, click the Image pull-down list adjacent to the Edit graphic in the Image group.

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