Working with closed-captioning audio

You can integrate closed-captioning in .mp3, .m4a, and .flv audio objects. The captioning text is displayed within the audio according to details specified within an associated configuration file.

  • When captions are integrated into an audio object, the audio controller height increases by about 90 pixels to accommodate displaying the captioning text.

  • Hidden audio and audio enabled without a controller will disable captioning.

  • Closed captions can be toggled on and off using the "CC" button on the controller.

Select from three supported formats:

Examples of each format are provided below.


Follow these rules when creating the captioning file:

Sample files are provided to help you quickly get started creating and specifying the closed captioning file.

To create and specify a closed-captioning file:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. On the Properties ribbon, click Add Captions in the Playback Options group. The Add Captions window opens.

  3. For an existing captioning file, use the Caption File pull-down list to navigate and select the captioning file. Click Edit to edit the file if necessary. To view a sample format file that you can copy and paste to a text editor, click one of the three file formats under Sample caption file formats. The WebVTT format (.vtt) is recommended.

  4. Click OK.


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