Changing the style of a Web window

You can change the style of a Web window by adjusting the margin sizes, adding to the border weight and color, and configuring the display of the scroll bar. You can also make the Web window transparent.

To adjust the style of a Web window:

  1. Do one of the following:

    The Properties tab for the Web window opens.

  2. Click Style to open the Style tab.

  3. Use the controls on the Style tab as follows:

    Border Weight Use the up and down arrows to specify the weight of the border.
    Border Color Click the button to adjust the color of the border. To change the color setting, you can select a predefined color, specify a custom color, or select an existing color. To select a predefined color, click one of the color samples displayed. To specify a custom color, select Custom and use the controls in the Color window to configure a custom color. To select an existing color, click Select and use the eye-dropper to click-to-select a new color from an existing color currently displayed on your desktop.
    Margin Size Use the up and down arrows to specify the size of the margin.
    Scrollbar Use the list to select when to display the scrollbar. Select Auto to specify that the scrollbar be displayed only when needed. Select Yes to specify that the scrollbar be displayed even when no necessary. Select No to specify that the scrollbar not be displayed.

    Enable this check box to specify that the Web window be transparent.

The style of the Web window is adjusted.

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