Rotating and flipping an image

You can rotate and flip an image. You can rotate an image using the green rotation handle that is displayed when you select an image or using the rotation controls in the Rotation and Mirroring group on the Position & Size ribbon.

  • You cannot rotate or flip images that are embedded in a text block.

  • For Internet Explorer 9 users, an image will not render a shadow or reflection if the object has been rotated or flipped.

  • For Internet Explorer 10 and 11 users, an image will not render a horizontal or vertical flip if the browser's document mode is set to 9 or less.

To rotate an image using the green rotation handle:

  1. In the Title Explorer, click the image graphic or in the work area, click the image object.

    The image is selected and the green rotation handle is displayed along the top of the image.

  2. Move your cursor over the rotation handle so that your cursor changes to the rotation arrows over the handle.

  3. Hold the left mouse button and move your mouse left or right to rotate the image. Release the left mouse button to set the rotation.

The image is rotated using the green rotation handle.

To rotate and flip an image using the rotation controls in the Rotation and Mirroring group on the Position & Size ribbon.

  1. In the Title Explorer, click the image graphic or in the work area, click the image object.

  2. Click the Position & Size ribbon.

  3. In the Rotation and Mirroring group, use the controls to rotate and flip the image. Click Rotate Right 90° to rotate the image 90° to the right. Click Rotate Left 90° to rotate the image 90° to the left. Click Flip Vertical to vertically flip the image. Click Flip Horizontal to horizontally flip the image. Use the Angle field to select the rotation angle.

The image is rotated using the rotation controls.

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