How the program organizes your content

The program organizes the files you use to create your title. The My Titles directory is automatically created within your My Documents folder when you install the program. Whenever you create a new title, the program automatically creates a folder specifically for that title in the My Titles directory. Within your title folder, the program organizes all your media and image files.

For instance, if your title is called Orientation, a folder called Orientation will be present in the My Titles directory. Within the Orientation folder, you will find copies of every image or media file you have used within the title. When you add objects to a title, the program will copy the imported file into the title directory. Because the program copies all of its files, you will always have access to your original file, in its original location - as well as the one used in your title.

Your Orientation title folder, then, may contain a folder named images, another named media, and so on, as well as the title file, specified by an .awt extension. When you publish to HTML or for offline use, corresponding folders containing the published content will also appear in the Orientation folder.

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